Free Intelligent Conversation (FreeIC) is a non-profit organization that facilitates engaging conversations between strangers in public places. An intelligent conversation takes place whenever people seek to learn from each other.
FreeIC provides clubs and districts with the necessary training and resources to plan a successful event. Once trained, organizing an outing is easy: go to a public space, hold up signs that read “Free Intelligent Conversation,” and talk with people about anything and everything. And most importantly: have fun!
Step 1: Read and watch the promotional material
Step 2: Think about how you want to participate…
Step 3: Sign up at, for your (free) obligatory training and to receive more resources from the FreeIC team.
Step 4: Organize an outing with your club or district.
Step 5: Share your experience with us and on social media with hashtags #FreeICRotaract, #RotaractEurope, #RotaractMediterranean in Facebook and Instagram!.