What is medCULTURE?

medCULTURE is a Rotaract Mediterranean MDIO project Initiative which serves as a versatile and multidisciplinary social effort to preserve cultural heritage and promote unity in diversity. The aim is to protect cultural liberty and celebrate differences between us through exchange projects and twinnings. Promotion of the member countries’ UNESCO world heritage is highly encouraged.


This Rotaract Mediterranean MDIO Initiative is linked to the Rotary International theme 2019/2020 “Connecting the world” and 2 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations.


SDG 16


SDG 17


Join the medCulture #Challenge

Rotaract Mediterranean is presenting the #MEDHolidays
Our territory is the most envied in the world for holiday time
and vacations so why don’t we share the beautiful places we
live in?